Current label: Dance Performance School
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Nanning Art Secondary School tells you that dance is a performing art, which uses the body to complete various elegant or difficult movements, usually accompanied by music, and rhythmic movements are the main means of expression. It usually relies on music and other props. Dance itself has multiple social meanings and functions, including sports, social intercourse, courtship, sacrifice, etiquette, etc. In person
Nanning Art High School reminds about employment. With people's constant pursuit of quality of life, the employment prospect of dance performance is very promising. Graduates can work in art groups, majors and ordinary schools, art museums (stations), youth palaces, enterprises and institutions. Graduates majoring in dance performance can work as dancers, dance teaching, coaching and organizing; Amateur dance teaching for teenagers
Nanning Art School tells you about: main courses, basic dance skills training, Chinese folk dance, dance repertoire, dance teaching methods, dance choreography techniques, improvisation, dance creativity, etc. Cultivate good professional ethics and sound personality; Have entrepreneurial ability and innovative spirit; Have a solid theoretical knowledge of dance and performance, and be able to